Empowering Resilience amidst Pandemic

By: Jennifer Cequina

Northlink Technological College kicked off its First
Semester on August 24, 2020 in accordance with the
guidelines given by Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF)
wherein safety of its constituent is the main priority.

The Department of Education’s risk control decision
has drawn students into temporary “homeschooling”
situations. These changes have certainly caused
some level of inconvenience, but NTC has also
introduced educational innovation for students’
convenience. Different learning methods were
embraced by means of synchronous distance
learning through Zoom and asynchronous distance
learning through watching pre-recorded learning
videos. Acquiring learning materials are both offline
and online. Students can choose which learning
method is appropriate for their available learning
materials and comfort to bestow another way of
learning. NTC also gathers details about student
performance, teachers’ experience and the
problems encountered during the learning process
to improve their new normal learning delivery.

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has shown the
importance of building resilience to a variety of
threats, from pandemic diseases to extremist
violence to climatic insecurity and even rapid
technological change. In line with the schools’
mission, this is also an opportunity to remind us of the
capability of students’ need in this changing world,
such as decision-making, imaginative problem solving, and most importantly, adaptability. To
ensure that these skills are a priority for all students,
NTC ensures that resilience must also be built in their
educational systems to achieve the institution’s goal.


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