Grading Practices and Policies

a. All graded course requirements have corresponding submission or compliance deadlines. Students shall ensure that these deadlines are strictly followed.

b. Only submissions/compliance within the deadline will be graded. Opportunity for submission/compliance beyond the deadline will be given to students with valid reasons. Please inform your instructor if this is the case.

c. Short quizzes that are given after each topic/sub-topic can be attempted by the student only once. In some instances, the Instructor may allow the student to have multiple attempts. A score of 60% or higher must be obtained in order to pass the short quiz. For multiple attempts, only the highest score will be recorded.

d. For graded workshops, a common rubric will be utilized during peer assessment to ensure fairness. 

e. For reports, term papers, essays and the like, a rubric will be utilized during grading.

f. Students may request to take make-up exams or quizzes by sending a formal request (please indicate date in the request) via e-mail to the Instructor. Proof or evidence (e.g., scanned or photo of medical certificate) indicating the reason of missing the exam or quiz should be included in the request.

g. Students may request re-grading of any course requirement by sending a formal request via e-mail to the Instructor. (please indicate date in the request).

h. Students can view their progress and their scores on each graded course requirement through the course’ LMS page. A separate official class record indicating the General Weighted Average or the Mean Percent Score (MPS) will also be provided to the students.

i. ©© An “INC” is given only to a student whose class standing throughout the semester is passing but:

“i. fails to take major examination due to a valid reason; or

ii. fails to complete all requirements for the course due to a valid reason; or

iii. fails to conduct any of the homeworks and submit the corresponding outputs/reports/worksheets.”

Removal of the deficiency must be done within the prescribed time by passing an examination or meeting all the require­ments for the course, after which the student shall be given a final grade based on his/her over­all performance.

j. © A student whose final MPS falls at 55.00 to below 60.00 shall be subject to instructor’s evaluation. A removal examination may or may not be given. Passing the removal examination will give the student a final grade of 3.00. Failing it will mean a final grade of 5.0. The result shall not be used to improve the final MPS of the student.